April 1, 2012

Scripture Sunday

Matthew 21:22
And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

Have you ever sat in a church service and thought the Preacher was speaking straight to you? Well this happened to me not once but twice this morning. In Sunday School this morning we had a special speaker and she spoke a little bit about prayer. Then one of Preacher Walls' points in this morning's sermon was about prayer.

This past week you have noticed I have posted several different prayer requests on the Memories & Blessings' Facebook page. There have been so many people in need and several of my past clients have been in the hospital or really ill. I am so thankful that when I have asked you to pray you have. You may not know the people personally but I guarantee those people can feel your prayers.

Tomorrow, my baby brother Cody will be having surgery. He will be having his gallbladder removed and some other things going on. The surgery is said to last around 3 hours. Today marks 24 days that my little Codeman has been at Children's Hospital. It is nothing short of the grace of God that my parents and he have kept their spirits high. My Daddy is an absolute modern day Super Man in my opinion. I do not know how he does it all. He's always been a hero of mine but throughout this hospital stay he has shown again why. My Mom, who when she reads this will make fun of me for being a Daddy's Girl because of my above statement, is also doing very well. She has been able to continue her dialysis and take care of herself. All while being a great support to Cody and just being the greatest Mommy ever (like always). Can you tell I'm a little proud of my parents? Cody has been through so much and I know the many prayers on his behalf is the reason he still has that handsome smile on his face.

Please keep my brother and the rest of my family in your prayers tomorrow. His surgery should begin around noon and I will post updates throughout the day.

I love Matthew 21:22 but it's one of those that make you stop and really think. The whatsoever you shall ask in prayer is the easy part. We all know that we can ask anything of God, big or small, and He will hear us. But it's the next part that really gets ya - "believing, ye shall receive". How many times do I ask for something but then not really believing that God will do it? I am so guilty of doing this. Not only should I ask God to watch over my baby brother tomorrow and guide the surgeon's hands, but I should also believe that He will do so. I must have faith in what I'm asking God to do. What if God only heard the prayer we 100% believed he would answer?

Mrs. Joyce gave us this little chorus today in Sunday School. It's called "Thank-You". I love it! It talks about thanking God for the prayers He hasn't answered yet. The last line of each verse says, "Thank you for what you are going to do!". Awesome! So, thank-you God for keeping my Cody safe tomorrow during his surgery and thank-you for the quick recovery he is going to have!


Thank you for what you are going to do.
Thank you dear Lord, I can fully trust you.
Because you know best, my heart then can rest.
Thank you for what you are going to do.

Thank you for answers to prayer not yet seen.
Thank you for faith my petitions to bring.
Because you know best, my heart can rest.
Thank you for what you are going to do.

Thank you for things that I cannot see now.
Thank you for loving and showing me how.
Because you know best, my heart can rest.
Thank you for what you are going to do.

1 comment:

  1. My darling daughter, as i sit here in this hospital room @ 12:35 am with tears in my eyes and pride in my heart I feel comforted by your words. Your brother is crying out in pain and your"hero" (which by the way i totally agree) is trying to sleep. God's word can comfort but we have to allow it. I told your daddy just yesterday how proud i am of how much you and scott have done to help us out. poor scotty gets me to dialysis by 6am and you are always ready to help.So many people God has sent to help us can't even begin to name them even just the family but God knows how you all have helped. So as I lay down comforted by my God and my Daughter i say thank you baby girl from your "mommy" and thank you God for what you are going to do for my precious son!
