April 28, 2012

Did you Miss Me?

It's been 4 whole days since I've last blogged!! I know you missed seeing a blog post from Memories & Blessings pop up on your Facebook feed. I have been busy, busy and seem to be getting farther behind :( I know I say this all the time, but I can't thank you enough for your patience and understanding when receiving your photos. This time of year is crazy busy (so blessed and thankful, by the way)! Can you believe April is almost over? I just finished up shooting the MPCA Formal along with their class photos, Kindergarten graduation photos and K4 graduation photos. I am so blessed and honored they allow me to photograph their events each year. I love working up there!

May 2012 is going to be full of awesomeness - is that word? I'm doing Mommy and Me mini-sessions, some maternity sessions and lots of family sessions in between. Plus, lots of my new babies I get to photograph are due this month and the coming month of June! Then starting tomorrow, each Sunday's blog post will be written by a guest blogger. She has an amazing God-written love story that she recently shared on her personal blog and has so graciously said I could post her story on my blog. You're going to love it and each week you're going to want more of the story! She is an amazing writer and I am so excited to share her love story. The second thing I'm thrilled about is May's "From the Heart" story in our Memories & Blessings newsletter. You're not going to want to miss reading this sweet lady's story. You will be blessed!

Be on the lookout over the next few days for more posts about sessions and videos. They'll be flooding your Facebook feeds soon. Oh, and on a side note - once Memories & Blessings Photography gets to 1200 fans there will be a giveaway :)

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