April 30, 2012

Life is so Short!

This week I will attend a funeral of a young man I was suppose to take photos of this weekend. As soon as I heard the news of the accident early this morning my heart was so heavy for this young man and his family and all who were involved. Later in the morning I saw his Mother's post on Facebook that told us all that her sweet son had went home to be with the Lord.

I can not imagine the grief and devestation this Mom, and the rest of the family, must be feeling. I can not imagine watching my son take his last breath here on Earth. Thankfully though, when this young man took his last breath in that hospital room this morning his next breath was in the pressence of Jesus! The family has stated that their son was a Christian and what joy and hope it must give them to know they will see him again and they will be able to spend all eterenity with him and our Savior.

Life is so short and can change in the blink of an eye. This weekend his Mom was suppose to have a mini-session with her precious children. Instead, she will be placing one of those precious children into a grave. Please pray for the Brady Walls family as they go through what is probably the most difficult and trying times of their lives. Help me pray that God will comfort them, He will hide them under His precious wings and that He will give them the strength they need to face this life without Brady.

Take a moment to hug your kids a little tighter today. We are never promised tomorrow or even the next minute. Then take time to evaluate your life and heart. If you were to die today do you know that you would spend eternity in Heaven with the one who so willingly died on the cross for your sins? The answer is simple - yes or no. There is no gray area. If you do not know where you'll spend eternity please get that settled today before it's eternally too late. You can mesage or email me at anytime. Or if you'd like to talk with a pastor or preacher you can always call 865.435.7782 (Mt. Pisgah BaptistChurch) and ask to speak to someone who can show you how to spend eternity in Heaven. Life is too short not to know without a shadow of a doubt where you will spend eternity.

Please remember to pray for Eric and Juanita Walls, Brady's siblings, his family, his classmates, his friends and for all who knew him.

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