February 17, 2012

Eddie & Katy

You know those romantic movies were two teenagers fall in love and then while they're growing up go through some up and downs but at the end of the movie they live happily ever after? Well, that is Eddie and Katy. These high school sweethearts have been together since they were 15 and 16 years old! I attended high school with Eddie and Katy and remember them being so sweet and have such fond memories of them. I can also remember thinking back in 2002 that were really in love, not puppy love but real love, and that they would end up being together forever. Looks like I was right!

I know that they have had their up and downs, and who hasn't, but I also know that they always end up finding that with each other is where they belong. I am so thankful that God gave them to each other - they are such a sweet couple. Thank-you Eddie and Katy for always giving me the opportunity to capture your sweet memories. I am so honored to call you my clients but even more thankful and blessed to all you my friends!

Check out Eddie and Katy's Sweetheart mini-session.

The couple's video has been posted on the Memories & Blessings Facebook page.

*Don't forget, 20 comments = FREE photo*

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