February 23, 2012

The Life of a Photographer's Daughter

One of the joys of both being a Mommy and a photographer is that I can I have a photo session whenever I want. This sometimes is not a joy for my children. However, I just so happen to have a little girl who loves being in front of the camera and most of the time allows her inner Diva to come out. I can't wait until she gets a little older and starts posing for me. And I am 100% positive she will!

So, today was 75 degrees (yes, in February, can you believe it?) and the sun was shining - so what did we do? Got the camera out of course! I dressed her up in an adorable dress (that I got for $2 at a local consignment sale), placed her hair in a little pony tail (our new favorite hairstyle) and her little brown shoes. After we finished accessorizing, this mommy grabbed the camera and outside we went!

I hope you enjoy this little look at what it's like to be a photographer's daughter! By the way, I may possibly have the cutest 10 month old little girl in the world ;)

See, what I mean about the inner Diva coming out? Look at that hand on that hip!

If you're wondering why I don't show off many photos of my Eli - it's not that I love Brianna more - it's because this is the response I get from him when I get my camera out. His exact words were - "Bye Mom!"

The wind gave her a chill, lol.

Happy early Spring!

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